Monday, November 30, 2009

Tables in SD transactions

Sales Document
VBAK:  Sales Document - Header Data
VBKD: Sales Document - Business Data
VBUP: Item Status
VBAP: Sales Document - Item Data
VBPA: Partners
VBFA: Document Flow
VBEP: Sales Document Schedule Line
VBAKUK: Sales Document Header and Status Data
VBUK:  Header Status and Administrative Data
VBBE:  Sales Requirements: Individual Records

SALES - header
VBUK: Header status and administrative data
VBAK: Sales document: Header data
VBKD: Sales document: Business Data
VAKPA: Partner index
VEDA: Contract
VBPA: Partner
VBUV: Incompletion log
VBFA: SD document flows
VMVA: Matchcodes
STXH: Texts: Header
STXL: Texts: Line
NAST: Output
JSTO: PP status

Sales activities
VBKA: Sales activity
VBUV: Incompletion log
VBPA: SD document: Partner
SADR: Address
VBFA: SD document flows
NAST: Output
STXH: Texts: Header
STXL: Texts: Lines
Logical database:
AK V: Sales documents

SD Delivery Document
LIPS:   Delivery Document item data
LIKP:   Delivery Document Header data

Billing Document
VBRK:  Billing:Header data
VBRP:  Billing:Item data

SD Shipping Unit    
VEKP: Shipping unit item (Content)
VEPO: Shipping Unit Header

Delivery Due Index -
VBUP: Item status
VBAP: Sales document: Item data
VBKD: Sales document: Business Data
VEBA: Contract
VBLB: Forecast delivery schedules
VBEP: Sales document: Schedule line
VBBE: Individual requirements
VBBS: Summarized requirements
VBUV: Incompletion log
VBFA: SD document flows
VBPA: Partner
JSTO: PP status
NAST: Output
STXH: Texts: Header
STXL: Texts: Lines
KONV: Conditions

VTTK: Shipment header
VTTP:Shipment item
VTTS:Stage in transport
VTSP:Stage in transport per shipment item
VTPA: Shipment partners
VEKP: Handling Unit - Header Table
VEPO: Packing: Handling Unit Item (Contents)

Material Master

MARA: General Material Data
MVKE: Sales Data for Material
MARC: Plant Data for Material
MARD:Storage Location Data for Material
MAKT:Short texts
MARM: Conversion factors
MLAN: Sales data (for each country)
MAEX: Export licenses
MBEW:Valuation data
MLGN: Warehouse management inventory data
MLGT: Warehouse management inventory type data
MVER: Consumption data
MAPR: Pointers for forecast data
MCH1:Cross-plant batches
MCHA: Batches
MCHB: Batch stocks
KNMTK: Header table
KNMT: Data table

Bill of Material (BOM)

MAST: Material assignment to BOM
EQST: Equipment assignment to BOM
KDST: Sales order assignment to BOM
DOST: Document assignment to BOM
STST: Standard object assignment to BOM
TPST: Functional location assignment to BOM
STKO: BOM header data
STZU: Time-independent STL data
STAS: BOM item selection
STPO: BOM item data
STPU: BOM sub-item data

Logical databank for material master
CKM: Material master
MSM: Material master

Customer Master 
KNA1: General Data
KNB1: Customer Master (Company Code)
KNB4: Customer Payment History
KNB5: Customer master (dunning data)
KNBK:  Customer Master (Bank Details)
KNBW: Customer master record (withholding tax types)
KNKA: Customer Master Credit Mgmt.
KNKK:  Customer Master Credit Control Area Data (credit limits)
KNVA: Customer Master Loading Points
KNVD: Customer master record sales request form
KNVH: Customer Hierarchies
KNVI: Customer Master Tax Indicator
KNVK:  Customer Master Contact Partner

KNVL: Customer Master Licenses
KNVP: Customer Master Partner Functions
KNVS: Customer Master Shipping Data
KNVT: Customer Master Record Texts for Sales
KNVV: Customer Master Sales Data
KLPA:  Customer/Vendor Link


KONH: Conditions header
KONP: Conditions items
KONV: Procedure ( billing doc or sales order)
KOND: contracts
VEDA: Contract data
KOMK:  Pricing Communications-Header - Structure
KOMP: Pricing Communication Item - Structure

NAST: Message Status

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