Friday, November 27, 2009

Export from India to Nepal & bhutan

Exports from India to Nepal and Bhutan is excisable. SAP identifies Country from customer master and pickes Export Number range and also Identifies it as Export (Bond or Letter of Undertaking etc). This stops Excise document to create Accounting document for Excise relevant to Nepal or Bhutan. Since, Thes two country are excisable you ahve to Use Userexit - J_1i7_redertermine_Invoice_type.

Tcode - SE37.
Apply code:

if SH_REGION = 'NP' or SH_REGION = 'BT'.
E_EXP_TYPE = ' '.

Note: Remember in case code ablove I am assuming BT is Bhutan and NP is Nepal. If  in your case its not the case then you have to declare the Country codes for Nepal and Bhutan.

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