Thursday, November 19, 2009

Setting up blogger with custom domain

I had terrible time setting up custom domain adn sync it with blogger and its then that i thought if i ever fix it i will post it. Eventually, I realised its simpler than what it looks like. Few things to remember wfter you have bought the domain,
  • First thing first. Wait and till you get confirmation from your domain registrar or Google Apps.
  • Login with your custom named email account. It gives you couple of links to log into help file. Its extremely useful. Do not forget to log into registrar the welcome mail also provides login details to registrar. You may have to create CNAME and ANAME usually it gets configured by itself but no harm in verifying it once.
  • To configure custom domain, login to your blogger account goto 'setting' tab page – ‘Publishing’ Click on ‘custom domain’- ‘Advance setting’ Enter your domain name, Very likely you may get error’ Another blog is already hosted at this address.’
  • This error means that there is conflict and there is site already directing to this web address. All you have to do is to disable Google site. URL:

To use you Icon instead of Blogger’s icon in URL field use code :

Just Below ‘’ in ‘Layout’ tab page –‘Edit HTML’- scan through the codes.There many online softwares to make Icons. Upload Icon on Google pages or photobucket.

  • If you wish to disable the blogger navigation bar, Use Code:
                ‘.Navbar { visibility:hidden;display: none;}’ Paste it below

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