Monday, November 29, 2010

Data migration strategy

This blog is continuation to my earlier blog on Data Migration. One of the reasons I think it is so important to build a strong Data migration strategy is because during implementation rush this is one thing which is treated most casually and I have identified few reasons for this; Firstly, Implementation team is normally obsessed with configuration and focus is making the system work as per requirements (most of the time is keeps changing or improvises over the period of time). Secondly, Core team responsible for data migration is lost between giving business requirement, validating the scenarios and learning SAP jargon thrown upon them.

Data Migration requires little technical  knowledge and good functional knowledge and simple logic. Most of the time a well thought strategy goes long way. My blog may help you build the strategy.

Practical Data Migration
Steps involved in Data Migration conversion methodology at a higher level.
Data is fetched from legacy system and sequentially converted into flat files for data transfer and then uploaded into SAP ERP system.
  • Identify Core Team for each modules.
  • Identify data migration objects from each modules.
  • Prepare dependencies between objects to be migrated (e.g. uploading General Ledger master before uploading billing data)
  • Data conversion, Data purging and data cleaning.
  • Mapping the conversion rule.
  • Extract and load programs from rules.
  • Test programs to avoid last minute surprises.
  • Loading of data in quality client.
  • Data validation.
  • Finalise resource, data and time for each modules for uploading data on production.
  • Upload data on Production client and get sign off.

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