Data Migration requires little technical knowledge and good functional knowledge and simple logic. Most of the time a well thought strategy goes long way. My blog may help you build the strategy.
Steps involved in Data Migration conversion methodology at a higher level.
Data is fetched from legacy system and sequentially converted into flat files for data transfer and then uploaded into SAP ERP system.
- Identify Core Team for each modules.
- Identify data migration objects from each modules.
- Prepare dependencies between objects to be migrated (e.g. uploading General Ledger master before uploading billing data)
- Data conversion, Data purging and data cleaning.
- Mapping the conversion rule.
- Extract and load programs from rules.
- Test programs to avoid last minute surprises.
- Loading of data in quality client.
- Data validation.
- Finalise resource, data and time for each modules for uploading data on production.
- Upload data on Production client and get sign off.