Monday, November 29, 2010

Data migration strategy

This blog is continuation to my earlier blog on Data Migration. One of the reasons I think it is so important to build a strong Data migration strategy is because during implementation rush this is one thing which is treated most casually and I have identified few reasons for this; Firstly, Implementation team is normally obsessed with configuration and focus is making the system work as per requirements (most of the time is keeps changing or improvises over the period of time). Secondly, Core team responsible for data migration is lost between giving business requirement, validating the scenarios and learning SAP jargon thrown upon them.

Data Migration requires little technical  knowledge and good functional knowledge and simple logic. Most of the time a well thought strategy goes long way. My blog may help you build the strategy.

Practical Data Migration
Steps involved in Data Migration conversion methodology at a higher level.
Data is fetched from legacy system and sequentially converted into flat files for data transfer and then uploaded into SAP ERP system.
  • Identify Core Team for each modules.
  • Identify data migration objects from each modules.
  • Prepare dependencies between objects to be migrated (e.g. uploading General Ledger master before uploading billing data)
  • Data conversion, Data purging and data cleaning.
  • Mapping the conversion rule.
  • Extract and load programs from rules.
  • Test programs to avoid last minute surprises.
  • Loading of data in quality client.
  • Data validation.
  • Finalise resource, data and time for each modules for uploading data on production.
  • Upload data on Production client and get sign off.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Error : An error occured in system DV1CLT(ECC client name) during account assignment

Message no. CRM_ORDER_MISC 060

Errors occured when assigning an account assignment object to a business transaction. To view the error message, see the accompanying log file.

Transfer Log

No operating concern has been assigned to controling area (Notification E KE 300)
Error occured during determination of probability segment (Notification W IAOM 025)
Error occured during creation of settlement rule (Notification I IAOM 046)


ECC- Integration with Other SAP Components-Customer Relation Management-Setting for Service Processing-Controlling Integration-Settign for Single Object Controling-Create and Change Controling scenario

ECC- Integration with Other SAP Components-Customer Relation Management-Setting for Service Processing-Controlling Integration-Setting for Single Object Controling-Strategy sequence for automatic generation of settlement rules.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

De-duplication check

Prevent Duplicates in BP with BAS and TREX:
To prevent duplicates from being created in transaction BP
- set up the TREX connection, indexing.
- test it with program RS_SIC_CONFIGURATION_TEST. This works as expected.

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Setting up Duplicate Prevention
To use duplicate prevention, you must perform the following steps:
Index the Existing Data
Before you can use duplicate prevention for existing data, you must perform initial indexing. To do this, the system stores the attributes of the data model of the business partner that are relevant for the search in the search engine together with the content. Using the business partner data, the system checks in the search engine whether there is a possible duplicate for each newly created or modified business partner.
To start the initial indexing, start program SIC_BAS_RSADRINI (transaction SE38) with the following parameters:
Field Name Entry
Object Type BUT000
Object Subtype PARTNER
Index Pool Table BUT000
Index Pool Field PARTNER
Service Profile Profile defined in the configuration of the services
Define Settings for Duplicate Prevention
To use duplicate prevention, you must perform the following actions:
? Search and Classification (TREX)
TREX must be fully installed and configured.
? Search Engine Service (SES)
You must perform the following activities in SES (transaction SES_ADMIN):
• ? Enter the server for TREX (Goto ® Customizing ® System Settings).
• ? Enter the delivered index BAS_BUPA. Use CL_IC_INDEX_SES as class and make any further required settings (Goto ® Customizing ® Business Objects and Indexes).
• ? Activate index BAS_BUPA (Index ® Create/Activate Indexes). The system creates an index ID according to the naming convention of the SES in which system information is integrated in the name as well as BAS_BUPA (for example, nwt_003_bas_bupa__1).
? Configuration of the Services
The shipped services are already fully configured. To change the configuration of the services, perform the IMG activity Information Consistency Configuration in Customizing for Information Quality Management.
? Business Address Services (BAS)
To use BAS for duplicate prevention, you must perform the following activities under Application Specific Settings in Customizing for Information Quality Management:
• ? Activate Duplicate Check and Determine Limit for BAPIs
• ? Set Limit for Duplicate List in SAP Dialog Boxes
• ? Business Address Services (BAS) Configuration
? Activate Business Add-Ins
Activate the given implementations for the following BAdIs (transaction SE18):

Pre-requisite: Follow earlier tutorial on SAF (Software Application Framework).
Check consistency of De-duplication configuration.
Go to transaction - SE38 and run program RS_SC_CONFIGURATION_TEST
Enter Service profile ‘Example_BAS_BUPA_DEFAULT’ from drop down list and execute

Solution Manager - Overview

Building a Monitoring Infrastructure with NagiosSAP Solution Manager is a tool, which assists in application management as per ITIL (IT Infrastructure Library) environment. The tool supports the entire lifecycle of solution mainly having six phases – Requirements, Design, Build, Deploy, Operate & Optimize as per ITIL standard.
It runs in a separate central system to which all the other SAP systems are connected. These other systems are called as Satellite Systems.

Download -SAP Solution Manager Enterprise Edition

Features of SAP Solution Manager:

· Solution Manager helps in all types of project management like Implementation, Upgrade, Maintenance, Rollout etc. by providing the project specific template.
· It is in line with SAP’s AcceleratedSAP. And provide Roadmaps for the different types of projects.
· It has Business Process Repository, which talks about SAP’s best practice of running the business.
· It has eLearning feature, which offers the training along with feedback over web.
· It has test management feature, which offers the central storage repository for storing the automated eCATT scripts along with manual scripts. The results of testing are centrally stored and always available.
· It has its own standard Helpdesk feature, which is both SAPGUI based and web based.
· The Helpdesk feature is totally linked with Change Request Management, which helps in transport for changes required in production issues.
· It has Solution Monitoring as well as Diagnostic feature, which helps in Operation Phase of project.
· Solution Manager has lots of inbuilt reports, which server the different areas of it.
· It is linked with SAP Service Market Place.
· It can generate Installation/Upgrade key.
· It has its own Knowledge Warehouse for central documentation storage.
· It can integrate with ARIS, a detailed graphical business process modeling tool
· It can also integrate with Mercury tools like QTP for testing in web based environment.

AcceleratedSAP (ASAP) Roadmaps:
AcceleratedSAP Roadmaps are the proven procedures for Project Management. Roadmaps provide a methodology for the executing successful SAP projects of any kind like Implementation, Upgrade & Global Rollout. The methodology has a defined framework for different kinds of projects and has lots of tools, services etc. Special Accelerators are available in Roadmap structure, which help in following the best offered practices of project management and hence accelerates the speed of project. Accelerators are in terms of templates, examples, documentation, links etc.

Transaction Codes involved in Roadmaps:
· For launching Roadmap: RMMAIN
· For creating Custom Roadmaps(without structure change): RMDEF
Using this option, one can use copy of SAP’s roadmaps with custom contents. No changes can be made to the structure of the roadmap. Only header data like name & attributes (flavors, roles & subject areas) can be defined.

· For creating Custom Roadmaps(with structure change &; entry screen): RMAUTH
Using this option, one can define his own structure of roadmap or make changes to copied structure of standard roadmap. The documentation created or changed in terms of accelerators or so is stored in SAP NetWeaver Knowledge Warehouse.

Though the feature is given to create a new or modify copied standard roadmaps, one should be careful in using the custom functionality here. As SAP releases new roadmap, it may become difficult to adjust those parameters in custom roadmaps. So it is recommended to strictly keep track of all changes in standard roadmap and then change the custom roadmap accordingly.