Tuesday, May 31, 2011

How to maintain number range?

Number ranges assign numbers to individual commercial object database records (e.g. purchase document, addresses, etc.).

A number range object must have been defined for the commercial object in question to enable number ranges to be used. Number ranges can then be determined for the number range object.The numbers assigned by the number range create a unique key for the database records in the system.
A number can be external or internal. If number range is set to external number for the objct will be maintained externally and in case of internal number range the number range will be proposed by the system.
I have created a quick guide to maintain number range for excise invoice.

Use T-code - SNRO
Enter object - J_1IEXCLOC
Click on number range
Enter series group.
Click on midify mode of Number range and then add a new line to number range and save.

Make sure you have assigned this number range to the object in my case it will be excise invoice.

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