Sunday, August 29, 2010

Output type not determined automatically in sales order for Third party item categories

The Output Determination component offers output functions of sales, service, shipping, transportaion,
and billing to  manage transactions with customers and within company.
You can create sales activity output (for example, customer telephone calls, mailing campaigns)
and group output (for example, freight lists). Your company employees can send and receive
output. Output is directly linked to the corresponding sales transaction (for example, the system automatically mails oder confirmation to customer the moment the oder is created)
The output determination component is used for output control. Output control is used to
exchange information with internal and external partners.
The system can automatically propose output for a sales and distribution document. You can
change this output in the ERP (sales and distribution) or  CRM document.
The system uses the condition technique to determine output. In case of CRM action profile handles output determination.

For the Output type ZABC the condition records is Created for the combination sales organisation/Order type and when the sales order is Created and the for the Item category is TAS or TAB or any item category where PR is Generated then System is not determiing the Output automatically after saving the sales order

1. For the Output type the standard routine "2" is assigned and if you check the Routine Program then it is clearly written as system to check for the status for the 3 fields.

a. UVALL(header Incompletion status)
b. COSTA(Confirmation status)
c. CMGST(Credit block)

In the Routine he has taken the above fields from the structure and these fields will get updated from the VBUK table. these 3 fields are available in VBUK tables.

Downoad Supply Chain Logistics Management (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin Series Operations and Decision Sciences)

a. UVALL(header Incompletion status): this is the status updated for sales Order incompletion-header. if the sales order is incomplete then routine validation will fail.
b. COSTA(Confirmation status): This is Updated for a sales order if it has PR and PO generated. If the PR is generated from a sales order then the PR is released by default but still it is not confirmed. The PR will be confirmed once you create the PO for the PR generated. Now in the PO at the Line item level you can see a Tab called " confirmation". there you will find a check box called " Conf req". At ABB it is checked by default. this check has to be removed and PO has to be saved(PO need not be released)
Now in the VBUK table the confirmation status is changed to "C".
c. CMGST(Credit block): If there is a credit Limit block in the SO then the status will get updated othwerwise it will be Blank. If it is Blank then there is no issues.

In this issue the PR has been generated and PO is Created.
In the PO kindly remove the Conf Req check box and save it.
Now come to VA02 and check at the Header-Menu-extras-Output-Edit. The output type is determined.

If any one of the 3 fields shows the status as A or B then the Output type will not be determined for


  1. Output from Billing Documents
    You use this report (SD70AV3A) to produce output from billing documents, such as printouts.
    The report enables you to determine how often you to want to generate the invoices, whether
    daily or weekly, for example.
    You can also use report RSNAST00 for the same purpose. It has a shorter runtime than report
    SD70AV3A, but the latter enables you to specify more detailed selection criteria regarding which
    invoices to generate.

  2. Thanks a lot..this is very useful information..
