Wednesday, January 13, 2010

error href" associated with an element type "null" must not contain the '<' character.

Some of blogger template may give you error like the subject, Just know that the template is created for older version all you have to do is to go to the layout tab page of dash board - edit sub tab page and way down below there is a like to switch to older version  and copy the template-Ctrl 'C' and Ctrl 'V' on the edit HTML. save. Job is done..

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


So, I get type pad now. I hope I am more regular on blog. I wonder what would I do if Farmville wasnt there on facebook. lets face the fact I had nothing at all and to tell you the truth I would use my time for more productive work and that could be... emmm... well many things. Sometime ago, I tried logging to Zenga directly and to my surprise there is no other ago other than facebook. So basically, if you like living a vertual life and love to have farm house someday this is your chance to get one. Well, at least this is how its playing in my mind. Sometime I am more eager to expand the farmland than enjoying the game and its after all planting and harvesting isnt that monotonous but still it keeps us tagged. What farmville be without facebook ..? not sure, if I login to play the game or play game 'cause I log in. Initially, I thought it a stupid game not that I think differently now its jus that I am part of it. I love the fact that my farm is growing bigger and can plant whatever I want and harvest in a day or two and the best part of this is that you are not sweating. After all that Oriental wave of virtual life finally makes us family too. So finally what after Farmville, Cafe, mafia and then?? get them under same cloud? and then make another world for us. Wow!!! Welcome to vertual world.